In Europe there is the Sicilian Mafia (the original group), the Neapolitan Camorra, and the youngest faction, the Nuovo Mafia.

Investigators said Louis “Sheep” Barretta accepted at least 469 wagers over the course of about two weeks surrounding the Super Bowl and March Madness in 2017, collecting nearly $78,000. This page takes a look at Italian youth gangs and their relationship to the Mafia. for a commercial video of Hero Maestro Edge series. Crew Members: 16: Home City: Old City District, PH: Wealth: Rich: Messages Sent: 4641: Threads / Posts: 1 / 18 (View Activity) Achievements: View: Unread Mobmail: 3: The Council. The indictment on enterprise� Mafia members basically declared their power and wealth openly.